Meet Dr. Cubells Ricart

Paediatric Orofacial Medicine

Paediatric Orofacial Medicine

Dr. Patrícia Cubells Ricart

Dr. Patrícia Cubells Ricart, specialist in Paediatric Orofacial Medicine and Airway Orthopaedics, is the coordinator of the Unitat del TROS (SDB Unit: Obstructive Sleep-Disordered Breathing) at Paido Salut Infatil – Department of Ambulatory Paediatrics, Dexeus University Hospital in Barcelona.

A graduate in Dentistry at the University of Barcelona, she specialised in Orofacial Orthopaedics and Orthodontics in Paris.

Thanks to her professional experience for 6 years in two clinics in Lyon, she realised the important role breathing plays in the overall development of children, and the essential need to carry out early treatment in collaboration with different paediatric specialists.

For this reason, she decided to take a turn in her professional career and subspecialise in Paediatric Orofacial Medicine, focusing on Paediatric Airway and Orofacial Dysfunctions,  Obstructive Sleep-Disordered Breathing (SDB) in children (mouth breathing, snoring, apnoea…) and their Orthopaedic treatment, expanding her training in the United States and Argentina.

Creation and coordination of the first team

Aware of the lack of multidisciplinary teams in the Paediatric Orofacial Medicine and Paediatric Airway field, she has been a pioneer in the creation and coordination of the first team with these characteristics, integrating the Cubric Orofacial Paediatric Institute into the Paido Salut Infantil team.

Currently, re-established in her hometown Barcelona, she dedicates her professional practice to helping her young patients achieve proper breathing by correcting the growth of facial bones, and thus, allowing them to develop in the best way possible.


  • Postgraduate Certificate in Early Multidisciplinary Treatment in Orofacial Disorders – Dra. Marisa Santos & SAO (Private Diploma)

  • International Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Orofacial Orthopedics and Orthodontics – NYU-Dentistry (New York University)

  • Specialised in Orofacial Orthopaedics and Orthodontics – CETO-Paris (Centre d’Enseignement des Thérapeutiques Orthodontiques et Orthopédiques)

  • Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry (DMD) – UB (Universitat de Barcelona)

  • Médicine Orofaciale Pediatrique – In-Depth Clinical Knowledge: Specialist’s Roles in Transdisciplinary Treatment – APOM – MAY 2024– LECTURER & ORGANISER

  • Paediatric Obstructive Sleep Breathing Disorders: What must we treat when it comes to Airway – The Protocol – IFUNA – JANUARY 2024 – LECTURER

  • Obstructive Sleep Disordered Breathing: The Transdisciplinary Team: Speech Therapist/Myofunctional Therapists, Physiotherapists, ENT, Pediatricians  – IPOCUBRIC ACADEMY – DECEMBRE 2023 – LECTURER

  • Obstructive Sleep Disordered Breathing: The Pediatric Denstist Role – APOM – May 2023 – LECTURER

  • Treatment for patients with Obstructive Sleep Disorders – BDS – JANUARY 2023 – LECTURER

  • Obstructive Sleep Disordered Breathing: The role of the Paediatric dentist  – IPOCUBRIC ACADEMY – JANUARY 2023 – LECTURER

  • University Certificate of Specialisation in Paediatric Sleep and its clinical application – ISNUT & UEMC: Obstructive Sleep Disordered Breathing (Sleeping Disorders in the Paediatric Age) – NOVEMBER 2022 – 2nd Edition – LECTURER

  • Course for speach therapists – CLC: Col·legi de Logopedes de Catalunya: New appraoches in the mangament of Orofacial Dysfunctions – NOVEMBER 2022 – LECTURER

  • Course in Paediatric Sleep – Duerme Feliz Institute: Obstructive Sleep Disordered Breathing (Sleeping Disorders in the Paediatric Age) – JULY 2022 – LECTURER

  • University Certificate of Specialisation in Paediatric Sleep and its clinical application – ISNUT & UEMC: Obstructive Sleep Disordered Breathing (Sleeping Disorders in the Paediatric Age) – JUNE 2022 – 1st Edition – LECTURER

  • Logopaedics in practive – Clinical Cases Conference – UOC & UManresa: Interdisciplinary Intervention in Obstructive Sleep Disordered Breathing (OSDB) – MAY 2022 – LECTURER

  • Réalités Pédiatriques Review – Performances Médicales: Obstructive Sleep Disordered Breathing : Why is the Orthopaedic Treatment a key element? – APRIL 2022 – AUTHOR

  • National Congress in Advanced Dentistry – Barcelona Dental Show: Interdisciplinary Clinical Cases in Paediatric Dentistry, Orofacial Orthopaedics, Orthodontics and Orofacial Myofuncitonal Therapy. When to treat? – DESEMBRE 2021 – LECTURER

  • Paediatric Catalan Society journal : Trastorns Respiratoris Obstructius del Son: La necessitat d’un enfoc precoç i interdisciplinari – SEPTEMBER 2021 – AUTHOR

  • XXXII Internacional AELFA-IF Congress about Logopaedics: Ortodoncia temprana transdisciplinar  – JULY 2021 – LECTURER

  • 2nd on-line Congress of the SFOP: Orthodontie et Pédiatrie: Approche pluridisciplinnaire et Précoce des TROS – JUNE 2021 – LECTURER

  • 35th Conference on Outpatient Paediatrics : La importancia de Masticar. Diagnóstico y Prevención del TROS – FEBRUARY 2021 -LECTURER

  • 5th Congress of the AAMS – Round Table: Myofunctional Orthodontic intervention at the earliest age possible – AUGUST-DEC 2020 – LECTURER

  • 1st online Congress of the SFOP – Round Table:  Pourquoi et Comment intervenir dès 3 ans– JUNE 2020 – LECTUREi

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  • Vice-president of the SFOP (Société Française d’Orthodontie Pédiatrie)

  • Member of the SCP (Societat Catalana de Pediatria)

  • Member of the OMDa (Orofacial Myofonctional Disorders Association)

  • Member of the SFMDS (Société Française de Médécine Dentaire du Sommeil)

  • Member of the EASDM (European Association of Sleep Dental Medicine)

  • Member of the IPOS (International Paediatric Orthodontics Society)

  • Member of the SEMDeS (Sociedad Española de Medicina Dental del Sueño)

  • Registered at COEC (Col·legi d’Odontòlegs i Estomatòlegs de Catalunya)